by Eleanor Richards | Jul 17, 2019
Was it just 12 hours ago that she’d sat down with her mother and little brother? Dipping the freshly baked bread into the rabbit stew as though it was just another day. The camp – her camp – had been peaceful. It had been peaceful ever since Gen 1 and Gen 2 people …...
by Eleanor Richards | Jul 17, 2019
The New-Wave of mutants are coming and Zahyra could be the only one capable of stopping them. After reaching the safe haven only to have Cain and Asher taken away from her Zahyra is forced to begin life inside the mountain alone. Plunged into the ominous T128 trial...
by Eleanor Richards | Jul 17, 2019
In a world ruled by mutants, nothing is exactly as it seems. The safe haven is no different. Life is nothing like Zahyra could have dreamed. It is nothing like she could have imagined. Having turned every corner to be reunited with her companions, she can’t even begin...
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